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Command Groups


Global Command

The two soldiers that will keep this position have a big burden on them. They are in charge of making the community a better place. And for that they will take any measure needed. They are the maximum authorities inside The Battalion, respect to them is more than mandatory.

High Command

With the painful task of taking care of three different sections:

  • An entire Squad (Major)

  • An entire Regional Division (Lt.Colonel)

  • An entire Division (Colonel)

Within the community, the high command will be your closest officers. He's there to help you, so if you have a problem take it to him, he'll know what to do.  Their main goal is to make each of their groups the most succesful possible. It is indeed a painful task.







Responsible for keeping the peace within the community. The Council will be the highest command unit before the Global Command. They have multiple tasks that range from promoting peace, solving internal conflicts until the power of veto any High Command action (through an internal vote). Also, they can counsel the Global Command on their daily tasks.

Department Leaders

Responsible for taking care of departments, these positions will normally taken by Non-commissioned Officers who holds the Warrant Officer branch of rank. It's their duty to excel in their position in a way that can contribute to the well-being of the community.

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